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World Mental Health Day
2016/10/11 07:34:46瀏覽165|回應0|推薦6

Not until yesterday did I know the October 10th is also World Mental Health Day.  But in the ceremony of Double Tenth Festival Wonky Cai delivered a speech, urging China's Mainland "face squarely" towards ROC which she previously despised as "the regime in exile".  She claimed people in Taiwan may rest assured that she and her administration will strive for maintaining the status quo across the strait.  How could she promise that without uttering the "four-word" password as to finish the test?  The woman is metally deranged, indeed. 

Such a farce made me think of one of the best-known excerpts of Shakespeare's: "Life is like a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing."  Supposed you replace "life" by "Taidu", then the sentence can best describe Cai and her followers for their political posturing, and they all need to see a shrink. 



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