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"A Place in The Heart"
2013/06/08 11:21:11瀏覽142|回應1|推薦3
The background of the film set in 1930s at a small town of Texas. The scene begins with the family saying grace before their supper and ends in the eucharist among congregation in a church. The writer and director of the movie tries to convey his belief that people should have faith in God in a situation against all the odds. With the faith which creates love and courage, people can overcome their personal adversities like hardships from reduced circumstances, and save a marriage of crisis. From the film you can sense the horrifying scene of tornado, though without 3-D effect, and you can also see how and what an extreme bigotry like that of KKK could have brought.

I shouldn't have missed the film of 80's which won the second Academy Award for Sally Field to whom I am one of loyal fans. It's a pity that I just can barely understand all the dialogues because I watched the film from a DVD without subtitles of translation or captions. Anyway, I am much obliged to my friend who lent me the DVD. Thanks, Arthur.
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2013/06/09 07:40

The last sentence "I am much obliged to my friend who borrowed me the DVD." should read "I am much obliged to my friend who lent(or loaned) me the DVD.".

Am I right?

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2013-06-09 10:27 回覆:
You are right.  It was a wrong usuage, not a typo.  I should have been more careful in editing.  "聞過則喜", thanks!