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Inexorable trend---it's not a hackneyed phrase
2016/10/02 16:04:51瀏覽225|回應0|推薦7

In response to Cai's call for "strenously confronting China", Office of Taiwan Affairs reiterated that China's revival and unification is an inexorable trend, and no one in this world could stop the trend, not even America, let alone Taiwan.  Throughout Chinese history, you can see never has a residual regime which retains sovereignty over a part of China ever successfully challenged the bigger one and thus survived, Taiwan will definitely not the only exception.  You may say now it has been a civilized and informational world, China would not dare to take drastic actions against Taidu because the world would condemn her, morally or focibly.  Is that so?  Then take a look on Georgia, Crimea, and many other examples. 

"An inexorable trend" is just a friendly persuasion prior to the warning "not sitting by and watching wihout any action taken" and the ultimatum "reining in at the edge of the precipice".  Ms. Cai, you'd better watch out. 

P.S.  Please also refer to the commentary on http://www.toutiao.com/a6336518606005158146/     

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