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Blame it on pop music---blame games are everywhere
2013/04/17 01:50:11瀏覽73|回應0|推薦2

Yesterday DDP chairman Su hysterically critized that the plans of some Taiwan TV stations' scheduling to live televise a talent-pick show sponsored by Hu-nan TV would engender "brainwahing" effects to the audience of Taiwan. (Funny, those two Taiwan TV stations already seriously denied they had such plans.)  Isn't it a good thing that the singers from Taiwan(four out of seven in the final of the contest) gained popularities among the fans of Mainland China?  Aren't they are another kinds of "Pride of Taiwan"?(No, they are not because they don't acquire "international" merits.) 

So what's the hell a TV show would brainwash the mind of the islanders?  The advanced audio-visual technologies from just a provnicial TV station,  the intnagible but formidable power of their money, or the image of jubilant fans, rather than impoverished countrymen, of Mainland today?   So the hidden agenda behind Su's crities has been the fear of Taiwan being unified with Mainland, for the inexorable trend of a rising China will eventually change the mindset of the islanders, which the odds would be stacked against  DDP.  No wonder the last thing Taiwan government would do is letting CCTV or HK Pheonix station in the island.

Su's speech made me remind of the preposterous statement Chen argued during his vying with Ma in Taipei mayor election: "Should Ma be elected, Taiwan's democracy will regress to a backwardness of ten years."  Funny again, how come that result would happen if Ma was elected by a democratic process?  Why not that happen if Chen was reelected in the same way?  The real answer to those questions is DDP's Taiwan Independence was disguised as democracy so as to swindle the innocent people of Taiwan.  Get real, people! 

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