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On "First Lady"
2013/03/30 10:47:13瀏覽65|回應0|推薦2

One of the events that Mainland China focused upon recently had been the first lady Ms. Peng Liyuan accompanying her husband, President Xi Jinping, in a series of state visits.  Media in China extolled Ms. Peng as the "first" first lady of great presence, beauty and talent; as well with decent, domestic-branded wardrobe.  Media even sighed a sigh of relief that China finally had a presentable first lady. 

Ms. Peng, a major-general of PLA now at 50, had become a household name in China, even in abroad, long before her husband did as the heir apparent of presidency.  She was an distinguished vocalist, renowned for her prominent perfomances in Chinese folk and patriotic songs.  In other words, she gained her stature in her own right, rather than by the reflected glory of her husband.  Unlike the wives of Xi's predecessors', who were either lacking publicity due to keeping very low profile or a vixen notorious for her greed of power, as that of Jiang Qing, Ms. Peng is generally believed that she will play an appropriate role as the first lady who will enhance the visibility of China internationally and the harmony of China domestically.

Western media, for example The Economist, inclines to liken Ms. Peng to Madam Chiang Kai-shek, Ms. Soong May-ling, who was also a lady of grace and glamour, and who had gained huge diplomatic success for China during World War Two.  But I think two ladies are not comparable.  Supposed Ms. Soong did not wed Chiang in a reputedly marriage of convenience, she would have been just a richman's daughter or a celebrity only.  However, as Ms. Peng has had a brilliant career of her own(though she is semi-retired now), she doesn't need the halo of first lady to add to her personal curriculum vitae. 

From the aspect of the independence of women, I would like to compare Ms. Peng with Ms. Chou Mei-ching, the first lady of Republic of China on Taiwan.  Ms. Chou had a relatively successful career of her own and discontinue pursuing it when her husband became the president.  (Please see my comments at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7145882)  Both ladies devoted themselves to charitable affairs: Ms. Peng is caring about children contracting HIV/AIDS, while Ms. Chou is caring about children with reduced circumstances; both of them are adorable, too. 

P.S.  How about Mrs. Chen Shui-bian, the ex first lady?  I am not sure whether her husband or she once called his/her family as "a member of first family....".  What a joke it was!



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