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Nothing DPP doesn't dare to do
2016/09/16 01:14:23瀏覽205|回應1|推薦6

Recently I learned from my LINE messages that some of my friends, most of them are employees or retirees from partially government-owned enterprises, were complaining that since 520 some old timers had been purged, while some DPP members positioned in or elevated to the jobs they were not qualified to take.  All I could do was to console them with "Take it easy, for anything goes in DPP's Taiwan."

When DDP took the office for the first time, Ms. Zong Caiyi, formerly just a small county finance chief of San Diego but a DPP sponsor in southern California, was appointed to be the CEO of China Airlines, and not long before we knew it she was elevated directly to Minister of Economy.  That move starkly reflected DPP adminstration's attitude towards dealing with the serious national affair like doing a trifling matter. (After only 38 days, Ms. Zong couldn't endure the task which was too difficult for her to take any longer.)  During KMT era, how many important jobs should a competent bureaucrat have experienced before he or she could reach that position of Minister of Economy, or the ones of any other ministry. 

What'd made that kind of a complete farce happen?  Simply because DPP was busy calculating the elections while it was not in the office.  (Even in the office it's the election that DPP cares about most.)  It never considers preparing itself by having recourse to a shadow cabinet.  Election, election, and election are all it thinks of, nothing else.  Thus, what can we expect from DPP after it's taken the office?  Nothing can we do except watch it sharing the "loots", no matter big or small, among themselves.  Dear islanders, you are doomed to go downhill, and I am really sorry for you.        

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2016/09/21 10:17
It's the doom. Alas!