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You are wrong, Mr. Chairman.
2013/03/20 23:31:01瀏覽55|回應0|推薦1

Report says Mr. Peng Huai-nan, chairman of Central Bank, recently urged the prices of Japanese goods in Taiwan be lowered due to Japanese Yuan has remarkably depreciated its value in these days.   The targets Mr. Peng bombed were cosmetics, purses, shoes and electric appliances. 

Are you out of your mind, Mr. Peng?  Those are all consumer goods, being not indispensable to our basic needs, and there are plenty of domestic produsts in the market as substitutes.  If Japanese goods maintain their prices, that would be advantageous to our own brands.  The only reason of demanding the prices of those unnecessary stuff be lowered is just to cater to the stupid philo-Japanese(哈日) islanders.  Think of this common sense, Mr. Peng, unless you have some brilliant "strategy" in your mind.

P.S.  About 15 years ago when he was the chairman of a government-related bank, Mr. Peng attended an international forum held in Canada.  Amid the speech given by the special guest of the night Mr. Tong Jian-hua, then Chief of HK SAR, Mr. Peng abruptly intervened, "Taiwan is not a part of China." in response to Mr. Tong's opposite statement.  Guess how did Mr. Tong react?  Humorously and politely, he answered with smiles, "Thank you for telling me this."   The footages of the dialogues was repeatedly telecast in Taiwan TV news, and I reckon Mr. Peng's act might have been in good graces of the very top, and might have been one of the reasons that he was elevated to the present position. 

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