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Baseball Craze
2013/03/07 06:02:43瀏覽174|回應0|推薦2

"Amateur" but "patriotic" fans' passing infatuation, media's much-hyped hoopla and politicians' vying for the position of "loving Taiwan" made the island trapped in a state of craziness in these days; what's for? just a professional baseball tournament, so-called "world classic", sponsored by MLB for the international players who could have a chance to show their talents in off-season as to let major leaguers scout potential rookies.  Basically, it was a business activity, having little to do with national soul, national spirit or national pride, whatever, even baseball fans in the U.S. paid lesser heed to this yearly baseball event than to MLB's Spring trainings; but  here in Taiwan the tournament had been associated with a significant affair so high as the one of national level. 

The craze will fade away soon.  With only four clubs right now,Taiwan is too small a market to make a baseball league sustainable.  So the top players gradually drain away to foreign countries, and mediocre ones who stay in Taiwan are liable to be tempted by gamblers to play fake games, for they are playing in a league not big enough to give them lucrative returns; then fans' passion dissipates again.    That has become a chronic vicious circle.

It is strange that such a sport in Taiwan, having gained no world title at all and playing fake games continually, becomes a "national" game and a solidarity symbol of the island.  Why? I take a pause here, and it may be a pregnant pause for all of us.

P.S. Please see another related article: "The Baseball Culture of Taiwan—–So Pathetic" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/7152836




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