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Jeremy Lin did well today, and he'd gained ground in NBA
2013/02/21 22:39:20瀏覽68|回應0|推薦2

He scored 29 point including a tied-the-game and a clutched-the-win three pointers in the last minute stretch against Oklahoma City Thunders, which was the western championship last season and still one of the best teams in the association this season.  Jeremy proved himself by having enabled to vie with any point guards in NBA, if yet to emulate their performances and feats.

Of course today's limelight was his teammate James Harden, that bearded guy, not him.  But as being a point guard, which role to play in the game is to organize his team in offense and deter the opponent from easy attack in defense, Jeremy did pretty well today.  He is not a muscle guy, so in the future he has to improve his basketball skills, minimize turnover and play even smarter(I won't doubt this because he is a Harvard kid.)  Let's wish him a healthy career, so we can watch more of his games.  All the best, Jeremy Lin.

p.s. Please don't bestow upon him the title of "pride of Taiwan", for it has already become a curse to anyone who had such an "honor", e.g. Wang, Kuo, Tseng, etc.  Besides, he is an American; try to keep this in your mind. 

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