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Veterans, civil servants, and teachers
2016/08/27 07:56:11瀏覽283|回應0|推薦6

Almost everybody in Taiwan now wants to go demonstrating against DPP government.  In addition to tourist agencies, Veterans, civil servants and teachers prepare themselves to protest the government for its plan on cutting their retirement welfare.  The group, reutedly boasts of a hundred thousand participants, is going to appear on the streets of Taipei city on the 3rd day of September, the Soldiers' Day or V-J Day. 

Regardless if they are really the underprivileged among all groups of retirees, they must have felt that they are unfairly treated.  But the point is the group comprises the people labelled as middle class, the pillar of society; therefore, the widespread discontent among them at government's proposed change to their welfare will be a threat to DPP adminstration, just like the protest of "Red Shirt Army" in 2007 against A-bian's corruption. 

But let me tell you guys, no matter you are categoried as the subject group, or as retired workers from private businesses, famers, fishermen, or whatever, just don't panic as long as you espouse one-China policy and look forward to final unification.  By the time, like I've always said, China's Mainland will surely subsidize Taiwan to bail the island out of financial doldrums.

P.S. I would like to recommend you a cogent editorial from Huanqiu at http://opinion.huanqiu.com/editorial/2016-08/9365923.html.       

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