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狂賀! 中國女排第三度勇奪奧運金牌.
2016/08/22 02:47:26瀏覽179|回應0|推薦6

In my previous writing "Incredible Chinese women volleyball team" I worte "no matter what turns out to be, the brave girls are already the champion to me!" as my comments on their beating Brasil at the quarter-final in five sets.  Yesterday evening(PT time) they beat Serbia 3-1 at final and acquired the gold medal, the third time in Olympic games. 

As I wrote those words, frankly speaking, I evinced my shaky confidence on their road to championship.  I did doubt how much farther they could advance as a young team like them, but I was wrong.  Well, youve got to believe, always not sometimes!

Yesterday all media and netizens in Mainland were talking about "the spirit of Chinese women volleyball", which is kind of a propagandist slogan to the people in Taiwan.  But I think the spirit is simply a notion of "never give up" any hope especially when the going gets tough, that is essential for any individual and a rising country like China. 

Congratulations again, brave and beautiful girls!  

P.S. I admire "mother coach" Lang Ping, she is absolutely the greatest.  BTW, may I remind the top attacker and MVP Zhu Ting, since youre going to join a Turkish club and receive a reputed second highest pay among women volleyball players in the world, you should perform more filial duty as a daughter because from the video I notice that your parents are still living in a relatively poorer rural area in Henan Province.      

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