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Babysitting? No, it's a grandparents' job.
2016/08/19 01:28:38瀏覽158|回應1|推薦7

Starting today, my wife and I will come to my daughter's place every weekday as a fortnight's interim nannies for taking care of our granddaughter.  But what happened to her nanny?  She is going to take leaves for two weeks. (It seems all of Americans want to take a long annual leave. Ha)

Taking care of an 18 months' toddler would be a "task" for the septuagenarians like us.  Nevertheless, we are more than happy to do the task simply because my granddaughter is our pride and joy.  Well, I can imagine that after a hard day's work, I may have little energy left for my daily writing, but it is worthy of such a "sacrifice".   


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/08/19 18:31
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-08-20 02:05 回覆:
"含飴弄孫,絕對值得", you bet!