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The politics out of pure benevolence
2016/08/03 02:24:38瀏覽91|回應0|推薦3

I've been trying to get through to you, via my own writings and someone else's, how China's Mainland has worked out successfully to pass the early transitional stage of backwardness to the present status of advance all in her own right.  Now Prof. Lu Zhenghui of Taiwan's Tamkang University gave his observation "

台湾来信:我这样看新中国统治下的寻常百姓" at

http://www.guancha.cn/LvZhengHui/2016_07_31_369523.shtml.  The article is kind of long but highly readable, so please read it, as well as many responding comments from readers, with patience and empathy.

P.S.  It may be hard to you to fully understand how come Chinese people could have endured those sufferings.  Well I guess to some extent we are all brainwashed through the "inculcation" given by KMT and Chiang regime, and brought up under US' protection and with "universal value".  Now it's time we looked the other way round.       


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