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No zuo, no die
2016/07/17 16:47:42瀏覽131|回應1|推薦3

A movie actor and film director from Taiwan, who participated in a just-finished movie produced by a studio of China's Mainland, was debunked by netizens that he was a Taidu advocate.  The vehement protest online left the production company no choice but had to announce that the leading character that guy played in the movie will be removed. 

That guy argued he just took part in some social movement occasions, and claimed that he'd never identified himself as a Taidu advocate.  But now everybody knows, and Mainland's netizens know it, too that the so-called social movements in Taiwan are almost always sponsored or backed by DPP.  So any act of sympathizing those movements will be regarded as a psychological or cultural Taidu.  If you are an ordinary people like me, that would be okay; but if you are public figures, e.g. actors or actresses, who want to gain pecuniary interests in Mainland, a vast crowd of netizens will definitely screen you first before you are allowed to be shown on screens.  What the passwords those netizens demanded from that guy?  Simple, suffice it to say that "I esposuse one-China principle, and I am a Chinese."  But up to date he still evaded in making such a statement, just like Wonky Cai and DPP did on "92 Consensus" issue. 

Well, dear islanders, don't talk of those shits like "business is business" or "art is art" to Mainlanders.  Just keep this in your mind: they can do any business with anybody else, or exchange any art with anybody else in the rest of the world except with the traitors and quislings in Taiwan.  They don't treasure you any more; just go other places . 

P.S.  Wanna infuriate those netizens further?  Okay, I suggest you invite the producer and director of said movies, that stupid woman Zhao Wei, to Taiwan.  Several years Zhao openly wore a dress with the main design of Japanese military flag on it.  Islanders, is that flag you've always adored?     


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2016/07/18 09:04

台灣習慣 loser 的思維。

被縱容成為習慣,不在乎 consequence 。凡事都有 consequence ,政治不是唯一的 case。



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2016-07-18 10:47 回覆:
Art may have no boundary, but artists have. I heard Zhao Wei and her team were trying to erase netizens' comments from her website, so the netizens were further enraged, and even the quasi-official media have to say something about the event. That is the polictical consequence!