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2015/11/08 15:42:30瀏覽242|回應0|推薦6

Attached below is a piece of internet article reputedly written by late Professor Yan Yuanshu.  I remember Prof. Yan did deliver similar speech some time in the past, maybe this is the one, but I am not sure.  Prof. Yan passed away nearly three years ago, and the article contains several illustrations that are relating to the things happened after him, which may probably confuse the readers.  Its a highly inspirational speech indeed.  You may or may not have read it before, anyway, it is worth your while to read it again. 

I remember I did mention somewhere in my previous writing that Mainlands "The (New) English-Chinese Dictionary" is a boon to an amateur writer like me.  In his article, Professor Yan also praised the dictionary to the skies for its fastidious compliation in a myriad of the words and terms by a bevy of conscientious lexicographers, some of them were given posthumous award as on editors list only.  Every time when I look some vocabulary up in the dictionary, I will say "Thank you, Madam and Sir" to them silently from deep down.      



Due to different majoring, Id never attended any Prof. Yans class when I was in college.  But I did listen to his lecture once, in which he consoled and encouraged his audience who feel frustrated at their setbacks encountered in English listening comprehension.  He said even himself, as a professor of English literature, still was he able to understand only 60-70% of the dialogues spoken in American TV dramas. 


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