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Physical Examination
2015/09/01 18:29:03瀏覽161|回應1|推薦3

Since retirement, I underwent my very first physical examination yesterday at Veterans General Hospital.  I made the decision because I felt terribly indisposed during a hiking in late July.  (Please see "Heatstroke" at https://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/26509555.).  Therefore, my wife urged me to take a physical examination to see if something wrong to my body.  She wanted a checup for herself, too; so, we made a reservation for yesterday.  But why taking so long for the hopital before give us an appointment that late?  Because we wanted the performance of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and so many other applicants were there on waiting list that the hospital could only give us late slots like that.  Even so we couldnt get our turns on the day as to lay ourselves down on a cart and to be sent into a laser aperture for scanning, and we had to come back to accomplish the whole checkup package today. 

Whenever I went to big medical-school-affiliated hopitals like Veterans, Tri-forces, NTU, and so on, I could always find drones of doctors, interns, nurses, social workers, patients(including outpatients) and visitors bustling in main hall, emergency, elevators, almost everywhere.  I always thought I had been lucky when I saw other people groaning on the trollies, trudging with drip on, and patients relatives hastily begging for help.  Like I always said that to live, to age, to ail, and to die are all ineviatalbe to all human beings, but if we were able to minimize "to ail" as possible as we could, that would be a blessing to ourselves, to our families and to the whole society.             

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2015/09/02 19:32
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2015-09-02 21:53 回覆:
You are absolutely right. To die without being afflicted with illness is really a godsend.