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Walking down the trail around inner perimeter of Rubyhill
2014/11/24 13:30:23瀏覽200|回應0|推薦4

Every time when I went to San Francisco to visit my daughter, I would stay at my borther-in-laws place in Ruby Hill(Plese see my previous writing of "Ruby Hill" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/16682771.  As usual, I did the same this time, too.

I said the length of the inner perimeter is around 7k to 7.5k because I measured it with my fast walking pace.  Usually Id use 10 minutes to complete a distance of 1k by fast walk, and I usually completed walking around the trail of Ruby Hill inner perimeter in 75 minutes; therefore, I measured out such a distance as that.  But yesterday I made it with 85 minutes.

The trail is still the same, so my less well "performance" must be due to either my speed is slower or the pace of my step is shorter.  Either one would signify that I am getting older and older everyday.  The phenomenon of physical regression is quite normal and natural for the aged people like me, but I have to tell myself to keep on doing excercises constantly but not to pay much attention to the "records".  That really matters.        

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