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"老美, 抱歉, 中國經濟體量比你大了."
2023/12/19 17:25:59瀏覽71|回應1|推薦7

The recent Financial Times' critics: "Sorry America, China has a bigger economy than you" revealed a fact: China has already surpassed America and become the world's largest economy.

Actually, it is common sense that, according to the PPP, China was the number one economy several years ago. But conventional GDP is measured by the value of the dollar; therefore, America, which owns the dollar's hegemony over the world, is able to "manipulate" the value of the dollar and easily maintain its status as the biggest economy in the world. Ironically, it seems China doesn't care for her to continue being the second. No hurry, man.

Please Google the article if you want to find more information about the critics. 

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Charles Lin
2023/12/21 18:02
Thanks, A good article.