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隱忍不發, 等待時機
2023/06/03 14:41:19瀏覽290|回應0|推薦10

The astonishing headline news on the front page of the China Times last Saturday reported that a landslide killed a Japanese visitor, and the victim gained "national" compensation from the DPP government, while a visitor from Mainland China killed by the falling electrical wire from a street lamp did not, because he is not a national of the ROC. (How about that, Jap?)

Over a week has passed since the news broke, but I have found no information on Chinas major websites. Apparently, the authorities of China ordered those media not to make a report or comment on such news, lest the sentiment of the Mainland netizens be stirred up enough to make the news an intractable issue. You may wonder why CCP applied such an "undemocratic" approach to deter the media from telling people the truth. The answer is quite simple: bite her tongue and bide her time.

That is the tradition of Chinese politics. The typical one is that 左傳 鄭伯克段于鄢, which is selected as the very first one in 古文觀止. Please read it again at https://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/151005744 

Dear islanders, the famous quote "多行不義必自斃" is also an excerpt from the article.


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