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2023/06/30 20:07:11瀏覽199|回應0|推薦10

Recently, the issue of the Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement was in the limelight again as a topic of the coming "presidential election". The agreement has been suspended for nearly ten years, but neither side of the strait seems to have the intention to reopen the talks.

DPP was the greatest "benefactor" in the short run because the blockade helped it gain the office. However, Taiwan as a whole has been the biggest loser in the long run. Without the agreement, Taiwan has no way to participate in any regional economic cooperation like the RCEP or the CPTPP because China Mainland holds sway over every participant in the organizations.

Eventually, the difference between signing the agreement or not is whether Taiwan will be a prosperous island or a decadent one when the final day comes.

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