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凱爾特人隊 or 塞爾提克隊?
2023/05/05 15:58:50瀏覽745|回應0|推薦12

Now the NBA playoffs are hotly contested, and I almost watch all the games broadcast live in the mornings. The Boston Celtics are now playing against the Philadelphia 76ers in the second round of the Eastern Conference. I have never been a fan of the Celtics, but I would like to talk about the translation of their team name.

There is no need to say that every NBA team has a name of its own, and the names are all nouns. Most of them are countable, like the Warriors, Lakers, and so on. Some of them are uncountable nouns like the Heat, the Thunder, and so on. Therefore, in translation, we should also use nouns to name them, like 勇士, 湖人, 熱火, 雷霆, and so on. But what the hell is 塞爾提克?  Is it a noun? Not to mention the wrong pronunciation in translation. Media and TV stations, you must be more conscientious! You should call it 凱爾特人隊, a name derived from an ancient race of England.

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