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"哪來的海峽中線? 哪來的總統?"
2022/06/01 22:25:57瀏覽418|回應0|推薦11

These days the spokespersons of Defence and Foreign Affairs of China Mainland rebuked the reporters in press conferences for their silly questions that mentioning Taiwan as a political entity.  Two sharp retorts: "Where did the demarcation come from? " and " Who is that president?" all base on a prerequisite---Taiwan is just a province of China. 

No matter you like it or not, this is a fact, and there is no room for further discussion.  (Think about in the eras ROC and Qing Dynasty.)  You know, since recently China Mainland has not mentioned of the island as Taiwan District anymore, and that may indicate CCP has been seriously mapping  out the future governance on Taiwan as a province.  

Talk before it is too late.

PS  Are you trembling now, Taidu and Dutai?  (KMT and bald Han: "One Country, Two systems?  No way, unless over my dead body?"  What a joke it was!)

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