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computer Virus
2014/09/20 01:03:49瀏覽144|回應2|推薦5

My notebook got virus now.  It's become terribly slow, and some warning and methods for troubleshooting keep popping out, so annoying.  I have to get it fixed; otherwise, I am not able to write online for a while.  (Maybe I can implore my wife to lend me hers.)

I don't know what the purposes for people spreading virus to attack the computers of innocent users, especially a computer layman like me.  Thanks to Heaven, I still have a human "brain" of my own.   

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/09/20 21:31

現在還有人使用 desktop 嗎?我最後一次使用是2009 年最後一個工作結束前。

電腦真的是消費品,不管是 desktop 還是 laptop 我也是飽嘗 virus attack 之苦,煩不勝煩。幾次重灌系統,就會丟失重要的系統與文件檔,於是我漸漸被逼得厭倦電腦。

現在幾乎停止任何電腦的 work purpose,純上網,laptop、ipad 、mobile 同時上陣輪番使用。ipad 很方便,但是打字仍然不夠效率。mobile 的話連按個推薦都很困難,打字就更不方便了。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-21 01:16 回覆:
I think someday there must an answer to solve all the problems, all in one.

Good Luck!
2014/09/20 06:12

I wonder why people wanna use laptops at home. 

Due primary to the poor heat dissipation in addition to some other factors, laptops are much less trouble-free and have much shorter life than desktops.  Needless to say, comparing to a desktop, the laptop is awkward to use.  It is also important to me that the desktop provides much better sound quality than a laptop and I don't like to use a headphone.

Anyway,  good luck!

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-20 07:13 回覆:
Thanks. I have a desktop myself, but it's pretty old and run under non-supporting XP system. I'm going to replace it with a brand new one.
BTW, my wife's nephew played the part of troubleshooter last night and get my laptop fixed. Thanks to that young man.