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2022/01/23 12:57:24瀏覽455|回應0|推薦10

I love eating subject stuff which is available in Chinese supermarket here.  Its taste may be similar to some of Vietnamese or Thai cuisine: the mixture of hot spicy and sour flavor.  (But be careful, its spicy ingredient is way too HOT.)

You know, my wife laughed at me when I told her if I were thirty years younger now, I might have gone to Guangxi to see if I have the chance to do the business of importing 螺螄粉 into Taiwan, Ha.   

螺蛳粉都要黑,这些外媒的华裔记者还有没有心?_风闻 (guancha.cn) 

Please also refer to my previous posting at:   螺螄粉 - kkuo0810的部落格 - udn部落格

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