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2021/12/15 09:42:43瀏覽456|回應0|推薦8

Remember not long ago two missiles launched from different bases of China Mainland precisely and simultaneously hit the same moving target in South China Sea?  The news did make Taiwan and the U.S. quiver, and such a great mission  must have been controlled by the  research center under the command of General Li Xianyu.

Attached below please find the video regarding the biography and the accomplishments pertaining to Gen. Li: 

李贤玉:中国剑网之母,1人能顶7个导弹旅,让中国导弹弹无虚发 - 西瓜视频 (ixigua.com)  

Gen. Li, you deserve the name "賢玉", YYDS!

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