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Locked Myself Out Of My House, Again.
2014/09/09 00:12:07瀏覽148|回應3|推薦5

Yesterday afternoon when I was alone in my apartment, I went downstairs to the courtyard for smoking.  Unfortunately I might tune out a little bit then, and I forgot to take the key with me and so locked myself out, again. (Why bothered so much for smoking a cigarette?  Because my wife doesn't allow me to smoke in the rooms; OK, that's understandable.  But how about smoking at MY front balcony with French window closed?  Not allowed either because my neighbors upstairs would complain over the wafts of cigarette smell which could have affected them.  You know, someone's analysed that some people in Taiwan wanted to distinguish "civilized" Taiwan from "uncivilized" Mainland, so non-smokers took more biased attitude towards smokers; "avant-gardes" sought for legalization of same-sex marriage, abolition of death penalty, etc.)

It'd had been over two hours before my wife returning home to unlock the door. But what if she didn't bring the key with her because she thought I was at home?  In that case, we had to to resort to the help from some locksmith, but that was the last thing I wanted to do.  I hope my absent-mindedness wouldn't be a sign of amnesia, or even worse, of Alzheimer's disease; otherwise, pretty soon I'll become a latchkey old man, and you guys won't see me in the air any longer.   


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Being locked out
2014/09/09 16:25



Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-09 21:38 回覆:
Yes, that is what my brothers in Canada do: hide their keys in some place of back yard, or keep a spare one in their neighbor's custody. Thanks and good luck.

2014/09/09 12:41

People do things differently. 

First, I have never put my door key and car key in my wallet, only in the key case. (you must have a new model car and the key is just small piece of sensor.) I don't carry my wallet around all the time (why should or must I?), but only my key case.  And, I put my driver's license in my key case.  In case of an urgency, I can get on my car and drive away without worrying my wallet.

Secondly, I have never worn a short, including sport short, which has no pocket holding a small key case. It is difficult to find a short with no pocket  anyway.   微笑 

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-09 21:52 回覆:
You are right. Homever, firstly you have to accustom yourself to carrying your key case all the time. But you know in Taipei it's not a necessity to drive everyday, everywhere like that in the States, Canada or Austrilia, so I think it'd be better for me carrying key in my wallet as you previously suggested. Thanks.

You Will Never Lock Yourself Out Again.
2014/09/09 06:25

Why don't you keep your door key (or your key case, even better) in your pocket all the time?

這就好比把心放在口袋裡,叫做“放心”。   大笑     

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-09-09 10:14 回覆:
I used to do the way you've suggested. The problem is I must carry my wallet all the time. You know, yesterday was very hot and I wore just a T-shirt and a sports short which have no pocket for a wallet, even it's contained my door key.

Thanks anyway. I'll do as you told as possible as I can.