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2021/06/26 04:45:14瀏覽606|回應0|推薦8

As usual, I watched a picture en route on the plane to SFO.  But the airliner did not provide any Chinese movies, so all could I do had been to pick an American "Mulan".  (Shame on you, "China" Airlines)

Hua Mulan is a household name to Chinese people, and her only documented story is found in that famous “木蘭辭” (http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/128309270).  But the storyline of the movie is quite deviated from the simple but vivid illustrations of the original ballad.  Instead, it has become a swashbuckling picture of typical Hollywood style.  What a shame!

I will not recommend "Mulan" to you.     


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