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2021/06/02 21:36:39瀏覽415|回應0|推薦12

The World Health Orgainization (WHO) said yesterday it has approved a COVID-19 vaccine made by drugmaker Sinovac Biotech (科興) for emergency use listing, paving the way for a second Chinese shot, shortly after the first one Sinopharm (國藥), to be used in poor countries. 

Another report also said that the third-phase clinic test of the one-shot-only vaccine produced by Pak Vac (康希諾), which has long been co-developed with the team of Gen. Chen Wei (陳薇院士), has completed in and approved by Parkistan.  When will it become the third Chinese vaccine recognized by WHO is just a matter of time. 

Therefore, an international-recognized vaccine must have successfully completed three phases of clinic tests and acquired a satisfactory data.  So 高端, we would like to see you succeed, but please follow the rule.   

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