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Is she at her wits' end?
2014/08/05 00:26:17瀏覽134|回應1|推薦4

Former veep Ms. Lu said the other day that Taiwan should be "a neutralized state", being an outsider in international politics and a buffer zone for China/America/Japan, and in so doing the tension between the either side of the strait will be "alleviated".

Maybe Ms. Lu has finally realized that Taidu is an object stands no chance of success, so she is trying to seek a less attractive one: the so-called neutralized state.  But may I remind you, Ms. Lu, Taiwan just can't be a state independently, no matter a neutralized, an affiliated or even a puppet one in relation with China.  How about Republic of China?  As long as you deem youselves a genuine Chinese and Taiwan is a part of China, I think Mainland may wait until both sides work out a feasible settlement for an unified future China.  So get real, Ms. Lu and DPP, try to seek something else, a more creative one.  Don't fool the islanders, as well as yourselves, any more.       

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Yes, She Is.
2014/08/05 06:45

Lu Xiulian's IQ is highly doubtful!
Or, she is so bored that she has to say something.

On the other hand, Mainland will just let time run its course.  When the U.S. has to retreat from the western Pacific, Taiwan will become a non-issue. 

天佑(This has become a popular slogan term these few days since Gaoxiong incident.)中華!  中華,of course, includes 台灣.

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-08-05 10:06 回覆:
I am confident that Mainland will weather the storm this time just like she did in 2008: blizzard paralysed public transportation during lunar year festival, flood, Wenchuan Earthquake, pro-Tibetian protests against Beijing Oympics, world-wide finacial crisis, etc. (But Taiwan may not acquit itself well this time; see how'd badly its stock market fared since the Gaoxiong Incident.)