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2021/03/02 16:14:26瀏覽653|回應0|推薦21 | |
Subject exclamation is a response made when some netizen was reading the story of Ms Huang Wenxiu, a brilliant young lady who sacrificed her life during the lofty campaingn against poverty reduction somewhere at her backwater hometown in 2019. She could not participate the recognition conference chaired by Mr Xi Jingping the other day; however, her bereaved father did. My eyes are watering again. 拼版照片:左圖為黃文秀的父親黃忠傑在表彰大會上(新華社記者劉彬攝);右圖為黃文秀生前工作照(資料照片)。圖片來源:新華網 |
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