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2020/10/26 16:24:22瀏覽327|回應0|推薦5

I have introduced to you several times before in my blog about the espionage of Zhu Feng(朱楓), Wu Shi(吳石), and other underground "moles" in Taiwan during early 50s.  Attached below is another one at: 


You guys may be gratified to have been spared from their unsuccessful task, and you may even hate more to hear this: the unfinished task has just delayed and prolonged.  Well, history will not cheat you, though I do hope the final day comes peacefully. 

PS Here I recommand the subject TV drama "Gianfu" to you again.  It is worth your while to watch, indeed.  Kindly also read my previous translation 試譯: 北京西山無名烈士纪念碑主碑文 at http://classic-blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/54221186, thanks. 


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