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2020/09/04 13:23:18瀏覽503|回應0|推薦8

Per TV news said US stock market plummeted heavily today.  You know, I am not interested in the market.  But later I read from Bloomberg that the news agency blamed it on China for such a nosedive by saying "China Semiconductor Threat Sparked a 100 Billon Chip Rout." 

What the hell such a lame logic.  China has her right to conduct a policy of wherewithal in developing her own semiconductor industry so as to cope with the situation that the US, as well as its "aliances", including TSMC of Taiwan, has been trying very hard to oppress China in new tech.  Well, the heavier the pressure added, the more elastic power rebounced.

Go China!

PS  Donald Trump tweeted that the rout was due to the fake poll on the coming election.  Ha!


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