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Two Chinese Girls Won Their Second Title Of GS Double
2014/06/10 00:10:59瀏覽171|回應3|推薦5

Peng Shuai and Xie Shuwei, #1 in ranking of the combination from either side of the strait, won the championship of  women double in French Open yesterday, their second Grand Slam title.  Good girls, and congratuations.

They are a perfect combination of double, playing almost flawlessly on court.  They are of same age, and they could commnicate with each other without any language barrier.  Admittedly, Peng acquitted herself better than Xie did most of the time in the games they played together, but her face was never etched with an air of being in prominent position over Xie.  Cooperation with sincerity like loving sisters is the key to their success, and that is inspiring.

P.S. Peng is really a natural beauty.  Its been amazing she still owns herself a pretty fair complexion in spite of being long exposed in the Sun.   I may be a busybody, but I would like suggest Peng consider trying her foray into show biz when she retires from her tennis career.      

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2014/06/11 09:58

Xie Shuwei is not that bad , actually not bad at all.

Don't get too BUSY, pal.   LOL

BTW, 張帥 is even taller (1.77m) and youger.


Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-06-11 12:09 回覆:
Well, at least Xie ought to take care of her protruding teeth. That kind of defect is so often seen in Chinese people that makes me wonder if it is a lineaments trait of ethnic Chinese or even of whole mongolians. LOL.

張帥 is beautiful, but not so is her performance in pro tennis, I guess.

Peng and Xie
2014/06/11 00:39
Even Peng Shuai looks comely, she is taller, heavier and more athletic than Xie Shuwei is.  Don't forget that Peng has been a very good single player as well.
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-06-11 08:50 回覆:
Absolutely. Well, I wanna be a busybody again. I would like to suggest Xie use her prize to do some plastic surgery; anyway, she is rich now.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/06/10 12:50

我印象中看過彭帥的電視新聞,因為名字的關係,我以為她會是個 tomboy,沒想到她的外表真的出乎我的意料之外。她能夠贏得謝淑薇的信賴,可見謝淑薇不笨,彭帥顯然是很優秀的。

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-06-11 08:45 回覆:
In tennis court she is a tomboy for sure. You know, there is another woman pro-player of China, likewise pretty but much younger, named 張帥.