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2020/01/22 16:41:27瀏覽571|回應1|推薦7

The other day I wrote "100兆人民幣, 1萬美金, 6.1%成長率, 及14億人的震撼" at http://blog.udn.com/kkuo0810/131561334 to sing the praises of the astonishing achievements made by China Mainland up to 2019.  Actually, 27 years ago Taiwan had reached the benchmark of $10,000 per capita in 1992.  But the condition and process of the development in Taiwan is not directly comparable to that in Mainland due to quite different situation between the two.

What I lament here is I can still remember clearly the speech and the stance of an editorial issued by a broadsheet then in Taiwan.  The editorial wrote, in addtion to the praise on Taiwan, if someday China Mainland could reach the same level of $10,000 per capita, that will be a great bless to whole China nation.  The editorial is absolutely right, but I wonder how many people in Taiwan still embrace such a sentiment by now. 

So pathetic!    

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GDP figures are misleading, at least, quite often.
2020/01/23 06:59

        請參考 大陸與台灣的大小經濟     


  • 中國GDP是按“生產法”計算,美國是按“支出法”計算,
  • “支出法”來核算GDP,即整個社會購買最終產品的總支出,包括個人消費、個人國內投資、政府購買和凈出口等四大類統計項目,再減去產品和勞務進口的差額來計算GDP總量。
  • “生產法”相比於美國採用“支出法”,其優點在於更多地避免了重復計算,而缺點則是統計相對復雜,不夠全面,往往忽視對非生產性部門,例如教育、醫療、文化等服務業,包括金融業對於經濟的輔助貢獻。
  • 簡單的說,就是在中國個體營業連稅都不交,這在美國是不可想像的,都是算GDP為不觸犯美國的逆鱗

最後附帶提一下,拿毛澤東時代(資本累積、全面工業化和批量的基礎建設)和 後毛澤東時代的GDP相提並論無實質意義,並且極其誤導

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2020-01-23 09:44 回覆:
Indeed. Even when I was a naive junior high student, my father always told me Taiwan relied on light industry to enrich to make money first because it could have recourse to the US, while China Mainland focused on heavy industry to protect herself, for then and for ever.