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2019/02/25 11:42:08瀏覽613|回應1|推薦4

I have told you before in my previous writing that in America the sky-high medical cost is a serious threat to middle-class families.  Not exaggeratedly, if you are neither a millionaire nor a dire-poor homeless, you just cannot afford getting accidental, maligant or chronic sickness.  For example, when my granddaughter was born, we were ordered to leave her in the hospital for further obsevation on suspected jaundice for one more week.  Do you know how much was the total charges on final bill for this delivery?  $130,000.  Insurance deductible aside, my daughter still had to pay as much as $6,000.  Oh my goodness, can you believe that?

Under American capitalist system, hopitals, insurance companies, and pharmaceutical industies are like leeches sucking and draining the blood from patients brazenly but legally.  At last, the country and the people will die from the "medical care" they continue receiving, according to the following report:   


PS Dear fellow islanders, please cherish the National Health Insurance here successfully practiced in Taiwan.  Do pay your premium every month and do not squander precious medical resources.  And let us say our thanks to Mr Lian and Ms Zhang, then the premier and the minister of national health, who made the great project feasible. 

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2019/02/26 08:45
Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2019-02-26 11:51 回覆:
She did not tell me that, but she said the deductible of the insurance for her families are $5,000 or so. That means any charges below that amount will be borne by her family.
My wife and I all enjoy Medicare plan, and we also purchase some extra insurance as supplement. Even so, every time I purchased the medications for my hyper tension, I had to pay at least five-fold more charges than I did in Taiwan.