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2018/09/20 19:01:55瀏覽294|回應0|推薦5

Report said since China Mainland granted " Taiwanese Compatriots Residential ID" to the long-stayed businessmen, employees, students from Taiwan, there have been over 22 thousand applicants up to date, and now DPP administration took fright at such a trend. 

The spokeperson of "The Committee of Mainland Affairs" argued speciously that because the ID looks quite similar to PRC national ID, same size, same numbers of the digits, or even the same insignia, so there must be hidden agenda beyond simply a " measure of convenience" given to the residents from Taiwan.  Now what DPP administration will do to grapple with such an "adverse situation"? 

He said basically DPP administration will demand those card-holders to identify themselves actively, and encourage "whistle-blowers" to reveal those who dont.  Because the validation of the ID is five years, so by the time if the holders applies extension, that means they are going to "long stay" in Mainland, instead of Taiwan; then DPP administration will consider revoking their right of residence in Taiwan.  Needless to say, those holders are bound not to have the rights of applying any governmental jobs, nor running for councilmen/legislators. 

Those "countermeasures" are basing on the sheer mindset pertaining to "two countries theory".  ROC recognizes double nationality; though the passport holders of other countries can not do the official jobs, still I believe there must be many DPP members who are also American or Canadian permanent residents in governments or councils.  If Ameican citizens or permanent residents are eligible for the right of legal residence in Taiwan, why not those Taiwanese Compatriots Residential ID holders who are working, studying, even living in Mainland?  DPP administration, you have to convince us!!!    


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