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2018/09/16 16:45:02瀏覽465|回應0|推薦15

In these days one of the most infamous scandals pertaining to DPP administration was the evil doings done by the deputy director of that unconstitutional "Transitional Justice" committee.  That guy likened the bureau to a secret agency of Ming Dynasty, which was established by a band of eunuchs, and he blatantly pointed out that the most urgent task of the committee is to assualt KMT candidates in coming mid-term election.  What the hell that "justice" is!

From the news, I also learned that the wife of that guy is an investigator of Jiancha Yuan.  Such kind of husband-and-wife combination at top level of governmental positions was not unusual since DPP has gained the office.  The stark nepotism has been rife in DPP administration, which is even worse than those in KMT days.

We all know Chairman Mao lost six of his next-of-kins, including his wife and son, throughout revolution.  (You can compare him with our President Chiang.)  Attached below is the story of how Premier Zhou Enlai "oppressed" his wife, also a great revolutionist, throughout her own political "career".   



P.S.  You may say there have been "princelings" out of first generation of revolutionists now occupaying top positions, for example, President Xi.  Well, I must say he and other princelings acquire their postion mostly in their own right, not just by reflected glory of their fathers or father-in-laws.     

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