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"Government Coughers"
2014/03/05 00:34:38瀏覽189|回應3|推薦6

I am a long-addicted cigarette smoker myself, but when I first returned to Mainland China in 1999 I was astonished to find the prevalence of smoking there.  Smokers lit up their cigarettes wherever they were: offices, restaurants, railway station halls, enen in enclosed buses.  Last year when I travelled in Mainland again I found the situation had been widely improved.

The photo here is copied from a report "Government Coughers" of the Economist, website edition.  The report said there are an appalling 300-million smokers now in Mainland China, and estimated that by the end of this century there will have been an accumulated 100-million people died of smoking-related diseases, and resultant medical cost in billions.  From the era in which  leaders like Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping were "exemplary" chain-smokers, to nowadays that Ms. Peng Liyuan, the first lady with excellent image, presenting herself as anti-smoking ambassador, as well as many other warning and preventive measures were proclaimed to curb this "legal drug" , why havent the numbers of smokers in Mainland China declined; instead, the revenue generated from tobacco kept growing?  Well, as far as an addicted smoker like me is concerned, I think the most effective way to deter people from smoking is a prohibitive price of cigarette, other than health reason or moral persuasion. 

Not long ago I wanted to buy a pack of cigarette at a stroe in New York as my stock brought from Taiwan was running out.  It shocked me to find the price of a regular brand is sixfold higher than that of the one I bought in Taiwan.  So I quitted smoking until I returned to Taiwan.(Partly because I didnt have so much cash on hand then, and I just couldnt buy it with my credit card.)  See? It works, at least temporarily.  

According to the Economists report, I found the price of cigarette in US is even much, much higher than that in Mainland.  A pack of the cigarette I intended to buy in New York is 35-fold more expensive than the cheapest one sold in rural China.  So why doesnt the government of Mainland impose a higher price on cigarette?  Revenue and tax reasons.  Besides, central government of Mainland has a monopoly on the tobacco business, so she has to "take care of" public interest; and if the price of cigarettes roars, people may turn to less quality-controlled subsitutes of contrabands in black market.

Poor little fool, you smoker!  Oh yeah, I am a fool, too. 

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摸 象 或 (不?) 著 木目
Smoke Smoke That Cigarette
2014/03/05 19:14

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-05 22:06 回覆:
They said(or sang) "puff, puff, puff that cigarette." Now scenes like this should only be displayed after watershed.

2014/03/05 09:57

I bet that you hardly could find a place to smoke in New York anyway.

How about impose 100% or more tax on cigarettes?  Would you vote for? 大笑

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-05 22:43 回覆:
I'll vote for the proposal, and I'll quit smoking, too.

pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2014/03/05 09:07





Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2014-03-05 22:53 回覆:
You know, at any outdoor place, any time, I would keep a distance at least 10 meters away from other people when I smoke.