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2018/08/21 23:06:02瀏覽583|回應0|推薦5

Every once in a while, those "moderate" Taidu and Dutai advocates would implore China Mainland to act like the sun, not the north wind, to favor Taiwan in the across-the-strait affairs.  Apparently, the idea is out of Aesop Fables "The North Wind and the Sun", in which it emphasizes the superiority of persuasion over force that has made the story widely known. 

Now the "pragmatic Taidu worker" Lai did the same the other day, calling for the warmth of the Sun from China Mainland to favor Taiwan by putting aside minor differences so as to seek "common ground", but he did not mention what the common ground is.   

Cai, Lai, and DPP administration, may I suggest you start to show your "kindness" towards China Mainland in following ways first: stop calling China Mainland as China only, discontinue tampering with Chinese history of high school textbooks, and give the spouses from Mainland the same equal right of "neutralization" as other "immigrants". 

P.S.  Actually, Cai and Lai are the real "north wind" in across-the-strait relationship!

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