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2018/08/15 18:48:19瀏覽531|回應0|推薦5

Yesterday my wife bought a loaf of toast from Yamazaki, a Jap bakery in Taiwan I guess.  (I have told you guys before that I myself will not spend a penny on any goods of Jap names unless extremely necessary.)  Well, the bakery gave her a paper bag to contain the bread: a bag with its brand name, logo printed on.  But there is also a list of its branches in the world that caught my attention.

Except Japan, there are 9 braches abroad, including those in Hong Kong, Taiwan. and China which are juxtaposed in a name list, maybe according to the time of entering the various markets.  The question is the three areas cannot be juxtaposed!  The right expression is there is a China as a whole, under which Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland are further categorized.

I do not know what has had on Yamazaki bags in China Mainland.  If not as I told above, it ought to be corrected, as well as the relative information on their websites.  You may say why bother to fuss over such kind of trifle.  No, it is not, it is a matter of principle, and the law-abiding attitude for the foreign firms doing business in China.  Dear fellow Mainland netizens, if you find anything similar to what I am telling above, please do report it to the authorities.  Any foreign brands, not just Yamazaki only.            

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