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2018/08/09 17:15:06瀏覽530|回應0|推薦4

Recently because of travelling between my home and hospitals or clinics, I took subway almost everyday.  Extremely rare cases that I could find in subway cabins that there were passengers reading books, instead of "sliding" their cellphones.  I guess most of them were busy playing games, watching dramas online, checking text messages from LINE, and so on on their gadgets.  How about reading electronic books from KINDLE or other App?  I dont know, becasue I didnt peep in to see what others were "reading"; that was their "privacy".  (Basically, there are no passengers reading paper books at all while they are riding on Taipei subways nowadays, I dare say.)

Speaking of "privacy", the author of an interesting essay, as attached below, is getting himself entangled in whether or not he is going to continue posting those photos of the candid shots he took on the people reading books he found in Beijing subways.  It is an indepth report, and also a worthwhile reading.             


P.S.  When I was young, at least I could see people reading newspapers, or girl students reading text books on buses.  Where have all those people of Taipei gone? 

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