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2018/08/05 16:48:45瀏覽715|回應0|推薦7

Remember the date: August 05, 2018.  Starting this morning today, people of Kinmen are able to drink the water conveyed from the reservoir in Quanzhou, Fujian thru the undersea conduit connecting Kinmen and Mainland.  Office head of Taiwan affairs Mr Liu, the Ist party secretary of Fujian, and the governer of the province, the highest ranks Mainland could get, all attended the "opening ceremony" held beside the reservoir, while no "central representatives" were dispatched from DPP administration to Kinmen where only a low-key ritual was held there.  Obviously, DPP administration is the bigger loser in this "incident".  Kindly read following press issued by Xinhua at:   


Please do not just take the press as a piece of ordinary official news.  Try to find the overtone(or undertone) of what Mr Liu said in the "ceremony".

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