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2018/07/28 16:22:41瀏覽626|回應0|推薦6

In the wake of 44 airliners, who are operating flights to Mainland, having yielded to the demand from China Civil Aviation of removing all "Taiwan" as the country or area name from their ticketing websites for the origin or destination cities of the island, now report said even Paris 2018 GAY Games 10 had replaced in its official website the name of Taiwan R.O.C. with Chinese Taipei, and then with "Taipei" only. 

In addtion to Chinese Taipei was revoked its playing host in the 1st Eastern Asia Youth Game due to the fact that DPP administration aided and abetted to launch a referendum of using "Taiwan" as the name for Tokyo Olympic, 2020, China Mainland already sent out a strong signal that she is actively helping DPP administraion accomplish its "Zhengmin Movement".  Ha! 

I guess the incidents may be either a huge setback or a big victory for DPP, it all depends.  But who cares, anyway.

P.S. Gay Games?  So funny.  Incidentally, this morning the janitor of the department now I am residing at handed me a referendum application of "Whether or not do you agree with the marital status stipulated in Civil Law should be limited to the union of a man and a woman only?"  Well, I agreed and signed the application on the spot.       

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