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統一 vs.併吞
2018/07/16 22:59:06瀏覽539|回應0|推薦5

That "God" Lei said in Legislation Yuan the other day that whatever China did to Taiwan, out of evil scheme or good will, had been trying to annex the island.  Let us not discuss whether Taiwan is a sacrosanct part of China for the present, what Lei said was to intimidate people of Taiwan into a state of fear, because all kinds of annexation in history are done by means of military forces or threats, like that of German occupation of Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938.  What Lei did not say was how should he and DPP do to avoid such a threat to become a reality. 

However, unification of a separate nation can be accomplished either by force or by peaceful development.  See the examples of Vietnam and Germany, or the one that Emperor Kangxi took Taiwan in early Qing Dynasty.  Dear islanders, you still have time to think it over, but remember, time is running out.   

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