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2018/07/03 16:44:24瀏覽630|回應0|推薦8

I used to be a motorcyclist when I started working after school and military service.  But you know, motorcycle is a dangerous means of transportation and the riders are highly liable to injury.  I dare say no motorcyclists have not ever experienced various kinds of situation on the roads which would imperil their lives.  Why?  Because motorcycles are made without exterior protection, and their center of gravity is hard to control when in emergencies.  Besides, there have no designated lanes for motorcycles only, the riders have to vie with other vehicles and even bicycles for right of way on already bustling streets.  Now motorcycles were blamed as a cheif offender for another "guilt": eviornmental pullution.

Cai administration is trying to proscribe a million of traditional motorcycles which are fueled with gasoline, and replace them all with electronic ones.  I must point out there are a lot of spadework to do, but most of all the price of the elctronic motorcycles must be affordable to the consumers, of whom the majority are people below average social ladders.  Well, the motorcycles riding on the streets of China Mainland have long been electronic ones (電驢子), and according to report their average price is just as half or even as one-third of the ones now are selling in Taiwan.  There are also maxium speed limits, say 40 or even 20 mph, preset for those motorcycles.  Is that practicable in Taiwan?  I really doubt. 

Though the electronic motorcycle is a convenient, affordable, and most of all, a clean vehicle in Mainland, still I think it has a latent threat to the pedestrians: it is too quiet to be noticed.  So the riders have to blow horns whenever possible, and that makes another public offender: noise.     

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