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要求各國航空公司正名, 卻放任華航及長榮?
2018/06/21 12:14:05瀏覽798|回應0|推薦4

Recently China aviation bureau demanded all foreign carriers operating in China categorize Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao as part of China in their official websides.  So far 18 out of 44 have done as told by revising their websites, and some other promised to make revision before deadline, while carriers of America, South Korea, Vietnam, and India were still resisting; two Japanese carriers changed their websites in simplied Chinese edition only, but other remained unchanged.  (I guess the reason why Japan and Korea were so stubborn was because they still "treasured" the patronge of those "哈日/哈韓" from Taiwan.) 

That brazen-faced secretary-in-chief of "Committe of National Security" finally "worked out" a nostrum that he discouraged Taiwanese travellers from being the clients on those carriers who had succumbed to the demand of China.  He also threatened that Taiwan will seek a legal solution against this "unfair treatment" on Taiwan.  What kind of ludicrous ideas they are!  Just give no heed to his mumbo-jumbo. 

But what I care about most is how do China Airline and Eva Airways display their website to the public in Mainland China.  So I logged in Baidu to search the ticketing websites of these two carriers.  Then I found both of them juxapose Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Marco with China Mainland.  That is absolutely not right!  The correct way is there must be a "China" as a main category only, and under which there should be subdivisions of different areas: Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao for the cities and airports of either departure or destination.    

Dear Mainlanders, you are not afraid to do so with any scruple, are you?  So, just do it!


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