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2018/05/26 17:05:47瀏覽860|回應1|推薦6

In the press conference subsequent to the announcement made by Burkina Faso to sever its diplomatic relationship with ROC, the seemingly exasperating "minister" of foreign affairs repeatedly accused China Mainland of "robbing" Taiwan of its friends.  Throughout his speech, he kept addressing Mainland as China, and using Taiwan to replace ROC.  Later on in the "presidential" press conference, that Wonky Cai did the same, and she even blustered out that China had trod on the "bottom line" of Taiwan and she vowed that Taiwan will launch a counter-attack, but she did not say how and when.  (She even accused KMT of not showing "national" solidarity to blame on China.  So funny!)

From the speeches made by Cai and Wu, China Mainland could clearly sense that DPP still embraced the ingrained notion of "One China, one Taiwan", and yet to make any change at all.  Now that DPP administration refused to recognize that they are representing China(ROC), how could they expect our "friends" not to leave us and seek diplomatic relationship with the genunine and much bigger China?

You may say in the era of Chiangs, KMT administion hewed to the principle of One China, still Beijing administration fought hard to "rob" us of our friends.  But do not forget in that time both side of the strait scrambled for representing the sole China even by force, especially when Chiang Kai-shek was alive.  (unofficial sources said ln his latter days Chiang was considering to accept an offer on unification, but due to some reasons it became a premature plan.) 

After Chiang Ching-kuo, both sides actually had given up military confrontation, and that Jap Li even "mapped out" the "Unification Guidance".  If I remember correctly in that time there were no diplomatic "failure" happened, except that of South Korea; and you know what had happened during A-bian, Bumbler Ma, and Wonky Cai.  Basically it has been unnecessary for China Mainland to "excavate ROC diplomatic corner" any more.  As long as Taiwan recognizes One China under 92 Consensus, there would be no such boring diplomatic battles between the strait.  One China?  I feel pessimistic with DPP because it is kind of like "asking a tiger for its skin".  (FYI, the other day that KMT chameleon Wu finally spoke out that KMT espouses final unification according to ROC Constitution.)       

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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
2018/05/27 09:28




Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2018-05-27 20:33 回覆:
"說真的,要邦交國,哪有承認自己是中國人來得重要啊", 讚!