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2018/05/23 19:45:55瀏覽556|回應0|推薦8

DPP politicians always love to set "right-name movement" into action.  The most recent one was the "referendum" initiated on applying Taiwan to replace China Taipei in participating 2020 Olympic, Tokyo.  The plan is doomed to failure from the very start, for even the referendum is passed in favor of the change, I bet DPP administration dares not apply the "new name" to IOC; unless, they want to see the athletes from Taiwan disappear in the "international" games forever.  (If they dare not, then they blatantly flout "referendum law" which stands on the highest level above all others.)  

In the meantime, Chinas bureau of civil aviation demanded that all foreign airliners that operating in Mainland should categorize Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macao and Xizang in their websites as an area of China, or abbriviate as cn; otherwise,....  Now the deadline set is near, most airliners have caved in to the demand, while some others are still resisting.  Please see following report at: http://m2.people.cn/r/MV8wXzExMDI0NzM4XzIwM18xNTI3MDMyNjA3

P.S.  I wonder how did the websites and pamplets of China Airlines and Eva Airways in Mainland identify the cities of Taiwan.  Are they the cities of Province of Taiwan, China?  Dear Mainlanders, please go and check!


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