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2018/02/06 17:56:16瀏覽194|回應0|推薦1

Tempus fregit(Time flies)!  Superbowl, an American ritual, came again.

Last evening my wife and I were invited to watched annual sports feast at my daughters.  Same as that of last year, we didnt watch the game much; instead, we were playing with my granddaughter most of the time.  Please see: 

"超級盃" or "超級碗"


The game ended in an unexpected result.  That legend Tom Brady, failed to help New England Patroits win second in a row and their sixth championship, and Philadelphia Eagles won the team first Superbowl ever in NFL history. 

P.S.  But I did watch the halftime show of the game.  The eye-popping extravagance reflected the power of sheer capitalism, American style.     


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