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"超級盃" or "超級碗" ?
2017/02/07 04:54:10瀏覽291|回應1|推薦5

Yesterday my wife and I went to my daughters, sharing an afternoon with them, eating pizza and drinking beer, and watching Super Bowl game on TV.  Now you knew the result: New England Patriots came from behind and won the game in overtime, the first overtime ever in Super Bowl history.  Patroits quarterback Tom Brady, a Michigan graduate of class 2000, same as my daughter, won his fifth title at 39.  How remarkable he is. 

Ive never been a fan of American Football, nor have Mainlanders, though Chinas media did pay lukewarm attention to the game.  Funny thing is they translated the game as "超級碗" instead of Taiwans "超級盃".  You may ask which one is correct?  Well, its hard to say.  Bowl is a half-oval vessel, just like the shape of a football stadium, (In 2000 I attended my daughters commencement held at Michigans football stadium which is just like a huge bowl; now I live not far away from 49ers home court, Levi Stadium, its a big "bowl" alright.), so I think "碗" is a correct translation.  But a bowl has no connection with a "cup" which is usally referred to the trophy of some games; therefore, Taiwans "盃" is also acceptable.        


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pearlz (民進黨抹黑霸凌WHO )
Super Bowl
2017/02/07 10:08


昨天在附近的高爾夫球場 caffe 午餐,剛好在轉播,才見識了一下 Super Bowl,發現這個 game 選手的身體語言還蠻有趣的。

昨天 Lady Gaga 的表演也很傑出。美國有人談 Gaga 的歌詞傳達給川普的信息嗎?

Retiredbum(kkuo0810) 於 2017-02-07 12:34 回覆:
I didn't watch tha Gaga show; in fact, my wife and I din't watch the game much. You know, we were taking care of my granddaughter most of the time so as to let my daughter and son-in-law watch the game attentively.